Monday, April 27, 2009

2009 Benchmarking Survey

By Rick Gould, CPA, J.D.

I urge all PR Firms to participate in the 2009 StevensGouldPincus PR Firm Benchmarking Survey. Last year we had 105 firms participate.

The report will provide both comparative historical stats for 2008, trends and a tool for you to budget & plan for 2009. You will be on top of and in control of where you can improve your operations.

Managing by Benchmarking is the most expedient and effective way to assure your profitability goals.

The industry profitability Benchmark was 22.0% two years ago, 19.7% last year. I believe it will be lower for 2008… but how much lower?

The survey is for U.S. and Canadian firms and includes the leading and most profitable independent firms. We also summarize key stats by our “Model Firms,” firms that we have been tracking over the years and have shown a consistent pattern of strong profitability in both boom and recessionary times. These stats alone will justify your efforts in completing the survey.

Remember - all submissions are in confidence, no names are ever mentioned and all stats are averaged by size, region and specialty.

If you need a survey sent to you please email Yadi Gomez,

Our deadline is Friday, May 1, but if you need an extension please email me at or call me at 212-896-1909.

Thank You!

P.S. Firms use this survey as a vital resource for planning. We highly appreciate the time you put in and be sure that your participation further assures its validity.

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